Small Business Partnerships (SBP)
Our partnership with small local businesses is indicative of our commitment to ensure exceptional service while offering the best overall competitive market prices. Our contracts at these federal locations exceed the Regulation minimum level of acceptable experience requirement. Powell Industries, Inc. seeks businesses in or near local areas and communities where the place of performance is located for federal contracts. Our selection criteria focused on locating a business with capabilities complementing the requirements of the contract, such as:
➢ Significant start-up experience to assure a smooth transition
➢ Current industry related operations to assure service does not deteriorate during transition and performance.
➢ Experienced managers and executive personnel assuring the project start and stays on track.
➢ Ability to, attract, identify, and retain personnel with the requisite skills.
➢ Customer service excellence.
➢ Willingness to invest appropriate corporate and direct resources.
➢ Capacity to incorporate these operations within existing operations
Our goal is to provide the highest quality management service available. Our partnerships along with our Mentor Protégé Program ensures our commitment to ensure exceptional service while offering the best overall competitive market prices. With Powell Industries, Inc., government agencies benefit from the knowledge and expertise of specialists in the industry, we seek businesses with up-to-date techniques and equipment, and a guaranteed performance level. We work hard to stay abreast of evolving technologies and industry best practices.
To arrange an appointment for a phone call, or a virtual meeting / consulting session via Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, or Zoom, please send an email to